Saturday, March 9, 2019

So, How Much Aluminum is in Vaccines?

The first thing to understand is that the aluminum in vaccines differs from the aluminum we are exposed to on a daily basis, in that it is in nanoparticle form. This nanoparticle form of aluminum binds tightly to the bacteria and viruses and polysorbate 80, and can jump straight through the blood brain barrier. (2)
“Ok fine, but so what? It’s not that much aluminum anyway.”
Let me ask you this. Why did they have to put aluminum in the vaccine in the first place? Because it’s an adjuvant, and they need to put it in there to get a stronger reaction from your immune system. They know that aluminum is toxic to your nervous system and will therefore cause a very strong reaction, and cause you to make antibodies associated with it. That’s why it’s in there. BECAUSE it’s toxic and can cause a reaction. (1)
According to the FDA’s Code of Federal Regulations, the maximum FDA allowance for parental aluminum is 25 mcg per day, which translates to up to 5 mcg per kilogram.
This would translate, as per FDA guidelines, to a maximum daily dose for the following weights:
8 pound baby—18.16 mcg
15 pound baby—34.05 mcg
30 pound toddler—68.1 mcg
How much aluminum in is the vaccines?
HIB: 225 mcg
Hep B: 250 mcg
DTap: 170-625 depending on manufacturer
Pneumococcus: 125mcg
Hep A: 240 mcg
If 8 vaccines are given in one visit, which isn’t uncommon, it can total more than 1,000 mcg of aluminum (fyi that’s not safe for a 350 pound adult according to the FDA limit.) (4)
#InformedConsent #KnowWhatYoureDoing
This information is summarized from an excerpt of “The Truth About Vaccines” documentary series by Ty Bollinger (
Sources are cited below:
(1) Dr. Toni Bark
(2) Dr. Larry Pavelsky
(4) Ty Bollinger