Who would’ve thought that baking soda and coconut oil can be so helpful? A woman who had to deal with basal cell carcinoma skin cancer on the top of her head was healed thanks to the cure based on baking soda pastes.
This cure was proposed by her daughter. Just as many other patients, Kyneret Azizo didn’t want to use this remedy, but her daughter who is a known writer and supporter of natural remedies performed a thorough research and found out that hundreds of people have eliminated skin cancer thanks to a mixture of plain water and baking soda – bicarbonate of soda (not baking powder).
Mrs. Azizo has undergone three surgeries which didn't provide any results before agreeing to try this simple cure. She used a mixture of baking soda and raw organic coconut oil with resulted in a thick paste
Cocnut oil is a well known remedy which has the ability to regenerate skin cells and it was used as a booster in the baking soda remedy. The mixture is applied on the affected area without massaging or rubbing and left there for a while.
Azizo used only one pharmaceutical drug called Polysprin Triple 3 antibiotic that was applied overnight. This antibiotic was used as a protection against possible infections because the would was opened. Some people suggest that we can use cotton soake in colloidal silbere as a natural alternative.
No matter which type of remedy you chose, their use is limited to preentive measures against infections. Azizo has continuously used baking soda and coconut oil and some cotton soaked raw vinegar wrapped around the affected area which helped her affect the roots of the cancer. Many experts suggest that DMSO is even more effective solvent in this case.
Azizo used baking soda and coconut oil mixture for 38 days consecutively when she noticed that the skin cancer is completely gone and the wound is completely cleared. Even though this particular form of skin cancer is not lethal, like melanoma for example, it can spread fast and disrupt your everyday life if left untreated.
Remember that we are talking about regular baking soda used in the household, not some special type of baking soda. The remedies based on aluminum in baking soda are just rumors and myths. Baking powder usually contains aluminum. On the other hand, baking soda is increasing alkaline production and cancer tumors are not very fond of alkaline environment.
Another Scarier Story – Vernon Johnston right after treatment
He was freshly divorced and with a tight budget when with the help of Veteran’s Administration system he found out that he has prostate cancer that has entered Stage 3 and what is even worse, this cancer has started spreading in the bone matter found in his hips and soon turned into Stage 4 cancer.
He was waiting for the final examination which would’ve suggested the adequate therapy when his son suggested the use of substances that have ability to alkalize themselves fast on a cellular level.
Mr. Johnston has instantly ordered cesium, but he had to wait for days before the shipment arrives. That’s why he decided to experiment with baking soda and blackstrap molasses. These molasses were used as an alternative for maple syrup or as a bait for cancer cells to open up and receive the alkaline effects of baking soda which would ultimately lead to destruction of cancer cells.
In other words, he used a completely natural remedy and when he saw the results of the bone scan that took place two weeks later he was amazed – the cancer has stopped spreading. Thanks to his do-it-yourself treatment the PSA has decreased from 22 to 5 and even to 0.1.
Besides practicing this DIY treatment, he also spent a lot of time on sunlight, learned many breathing techniques that increase oxygen presence in the cells and changed his diet with a new healthier one. Mr. Johnston has also practiced positive visualization too. All these techniques can be found in his eBook called Vernon’s Dance With Cancer: After the Jolt. You can find more about this book HERE.
By the way, this book was written about five year after he started using his unique do-it-yourself baking soda treatment. Vernon is always ready to give lectures and he is in very good shape in the past few years. Those who are free of cancer for five years are considered to be healed by all standards.
Keep in mind that there are alkaline substance that actually don’t produce alkalinity in the body and there are also acidic substances like lemons and limes, that become alkaline when they are inside the body. So, you cannot expect to increase your pH level from acidic to alkaline if you drink alkalized water regularly. Baking soda is an ingredient that is alkaline and producing.
Dr. Mark Sircus is a respected doctor and supporter of baking soda as a natural remedy for cancer and he has created a book that supports his claims and beliefs called Sodium Bicarbonate – Full Medical Review.