Sunday, May 11, 2014

Iodine, Fibrocystic Breast Disease and Cancer

Reposted from Dr. Brownstein

Glenda from California sent me the following email:

I watched the show “Your Health” that Dr. David Brownstein was on about thyroid and iodine deficiency.  He discussed the iodine product Iodoral {which is a tableted form of iodine}. It has helped me immensely. I had a lot of fibroid cysts in my breasts, and migraine headaches. The cysts were so bad that at my last mammogram (digital) the technician showed me the screen–she said that she really isn’t supposed to do that–but the screen was almost totally white.  There were so many large cysts that you could hardly see any breast tissue. By the way, the mammogram read normal, always a mystery to me how it could be normal. The cysts were very painful and I had on occasion been going to a surgeon to have a needle aspiration of the fluid.  However, that office visit was over $300.00. So, I started taking one iodine {12.5mg} pill per day since I did not have my iodine tested. After about one month the cysts were noticeably smaller.  Now, after taking iodine for several months they are almost gone!  Currently, my breasts are not painful and I only have a few cysts that are hard.  The breast tissue is finally soft in most of the breast. The headaches are infrequent, maybe every couple of months.  Furthermore, the intensity of  the headaches are significantly diminished.  God Bless you for your work, and many thanks!

Dear Glenda,

I hear similar versions of your story repeat itself over and over in my practice.  Presently over 80% of U.S. women suffer from fibrocystic breast disease.  Fibrocystic breast disease is not a benign illness; it is a precursor to breast cancer.  We presently have an epidemic of breast cancer with one in seven women suffering from it.  I think one of the main reasons we are seeing such an increase in breast disease is due to iodine deficiency.  One of iodine’s main function in the body is to maintain the normal architecture of the glandular tissue—that includes the ovaries, uterus, prostate, thyroid, pancreas, and the breast.  We are seeing epidemic increases in diseases–including cancer–in all of those tissues.

Iodine deficiency disrupts the normal architecture in the glandular tissue.  When iodine deficiency is present in the glandular tissue the architecture becomes disrupted.  Cysts would be the first manifestation of iodine deficiency.  Next, if iodine deficiency continues, the cysts can become hard and nodular.  Hyperplasia follows next.  It is a precursor to cancer.  The final step in the iodine deficiency continuum is cancer.

Iodine levels have fallen over 50% during the last 40 years.  Iodine deficiency could explain a plethora of problems we are facing—particularly the epidemic increases in diseases of the breast, ovary, uterus, prostate, thyroid and pancreas.  More information about iodine can be found in my book, Iodine:  Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It.